May 04, 2006 22:13

i took some notes during the episode and yeah. beware major spoilers.

- dean: from 0 to freakout in .6 seconds.
- sammy reading latin!!!!
- dean hitting meg like that was HOT.
- i was afraid that they were going to exorcise meg and then become best friends forever. which would have been unacceptable.
- we've never seen dean this urgent, have we?
- "this sucks out loud." !!!!! my new favorite saying.
- NICE crotch shot of papa winchester.
- PAPA WINCHESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
- sammy + salt + dean's boots = otp.
- sammy + holy water + papa w. = OTP.
- dean and the colt. i just. yeah. predictable, but OMG SO GOOD.
- so much dean love.
- "he'd be furious." AKSJDLJSAKJDSADSA
- sammy already salted the windows!!
- dean and his angst. I LOVE.
- dean would do anything to protect his sammy and his daddy.
- sam's in the middle. and he sides with dean. because obviously.
- omg it's THE demon.
- this demon is AWESOME. the eyes! the taunting!
- oh god, dean's begging! and then the "sammy, please." !!!!!1
- i can't even. sammy's in the middle again and he couldn't do it. oh, god.
- john is gonna have to choke a bitch.
- fuck. dean lost a lot of blood.
- killing the demon does not come before dean. you tell him, sam.

i don't even know what to say. that ending was the biggest fucking cliffhanger in the world. and omg. i cannot wait all summer for more angst. THIS SHOW BETTER GET PICKED UP OR I WILL CRY.

i need angsty fic now. i need it like i need air. ngh.

the family business

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