Aug 11, 2011 22:18
I recently posted about being started on Lupron. This was my last chance at any sort of pharmaceutical treatment before moving on to surgery. After 2 weeks from day 1 on Lupron I have had zero change in my pain. After 2 months lost to narcotic pain killers I had reached my limit. I had a follow up appointment with my doc today. After an incredibly long discussion, we finally agreed that I will be having a subtotal hysterectomy and single oophorectomy, meaning they're taking my uterus, one and possibly part of my other ovary and fallopian tubes, and leaving my cervix intact, some time in the next month. The other kicker is that I have a known endo adhesion that has adhered a loop of my small bowel to my abdominal wall. This was found five years ago when I had my first lap and the surgeons decided then it was too risky to ablate that adhesion without risk of perforating my guts. Now what will happen is that they will be doing a resection of that area and removing the adhesion. This will be robot assisted laparoscopic surgery. Needless to say, I'm terrified. She plans to also keep me on Lupron for a total of six months. I'm also going to see an anesthesiologist for non narcotic pain management before the surgery. Have any of you been through anything similar? I know there is always the possibility of the endo coming back even after the hysterectomy but this is really the best chance I have to live pain free.
Posted via LjBeetle