Nov 09, 2006 22:21
I am fighting a war against MS Word at the moment. I cannot figur out how to make end notes (a opposed to foot notes) with arabic numbers (1, 2, 3...) instead of roman numbers (i, ii, iii ...). I have to make references to the literature index in my project outline text and I did it the prehistoric way by just entering a number in brackets in the text and write the author, title, journal and publish date behind the same number at the end of the document. Which has the disadvantage that it doesn't automatically change when I enter a new end note in between. And now I would like to send the whole text to my supervisor for editing and don't want to impress him with my lack of MS Word skills.
There has to be a neater way than the one I used. Can anyone help? Fast? Please? Pretty please? Cherry on top?
Okay, I figured out how to change the foot note (end note) symbols from i, ii, iii to 1, 2, 3 ... but they are still in Times New Roman size 10 instead of Arial size 12. My attempts at changing it have been futile so far. I changed text type and size by marking the foot note, rightclick, "format" but it just doesn't do it.