Rose is back! Yay! I've missed her! And Bernard made an appearance. :D
Charlie, Claire and the Peanut Butter! <3 Shooo cute! And I was so convinced that she'd finally kiss him for that.
I'm not sure if my version was complete. One moment, Rose was looking at Hurley, the next Hurley tells Jack of a new plan. Don't know, but that was ... abrupt. But I loved the solution. Though I admit that I doubt that there would really be no envy between so many people. Like "Why did he get two bars of chocolate and I only one?" ... okay, we only got to see the main characters reactions so we don't know about the others.
I liked the flashbacks. And I felt really sorry for him. The numbers have been such a curse to him in more ways than one.
My heart broke for Sun when Shannon handed her the bottle. Though I wonder why Claire suddenly runs to Shannon for advice. o_0 Okay, Walt was on the raft and there is a connection between them now, but you'd think she'd still go to Jack or Kate, first.
Very interesting, the three girls deciding whether or not to tell the others, whether to squash all hopes or not. Reminds a little of Greek and Northern mythology. Three women, weaving men's fate.
I still wonder what became of Desmond. And Walt. As we've seen the tail section people now, we can be quite sure that they were not the ones to kidnap Walt. So, there are still "Others".
Okay, here comes my theory: we have two groups now. The front section, lead rather loosely by Jack who is - apart from little trips to nervous breakdown land - has always been a rather understanding, gentle leader. Just like his name: a sheppard. This group has gone to live in caves (but still in the wilderness, close to nature).
Second is the tail section group, more ruled than lead by Ana Lucia. They have gone to live in parts of the bunker the front section group hasn't found yet. Thus, not as close to nature as the first group. And - what I think is a very important detail - they have built a prison.
If Charlie had not killed Ethan, the front section group would have had to build some kind of cage, too, to keep themselves safe from him. But until now, they didn't have any use for one.
The question is, what did the tail section group need a prison for? Two possibilities: for members of their own group who got ill (and I think we can assume that ill means insane in one way or another) or for the "Others" ... maybe they had their very own Ethan who started killing them one by one and they managed to catch him.
Should the two groups get together, I think we'll be in for some conflict between Jack and Ana Lucia.
Apart from that, some incoherent thoughts:
Jack walking in on Kate in the shower? Did the writers read too much fanfiction? And I'm sure, if there is anyone out there who isn't already bored by this pairing, there will be "missing scene" NC-17 fanfics that take off from the look Jack has on his face when looking after half-naked Kate.
Locke walking through the jungle in jeans and a white t-shirt. Haven't seen him in those clothes before. Did he get new ones from the island? ;)
Shannon sharing her food with Vincent and Rose saving a candy bar for Bernard: cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!
Sun working in her garden again. I just love this series' continuity! :D