Some people can write more and share more when they get down and a little bit sad. I'm the opposite. I clam up and get tangled up in a boring routines and familiar actions. It's not like I don't want to speak, it's like I never feel like it. Maybe I become a little numb.
Anyway, I was hit by the winter blues most of February and March, which explain while I haven't updated that much. I haven't read much of your blogs and journals and emails and I've forgotten to respond to the ones I had read and I felt tired for a long time.
I think I was tired partly because I wasn't eating right, and with my allergy it's very easy for me to start having anemia.
Anyway, I felt like an empty oyster, all clammed up and silent.
Things are better now, though. thanks to Spring and a wonderful birthday and some stern talking to (to myself from myself). I find that it's very easy for me to fall in a sort of stupor of indifference and silence. Especially when I'm so far away from home.
things are looking good though. I have new projects, which will probably take me a while to start, but that's okay. I bought a new computer (half of it was paid by SleepyBear as a birthday present. Lucky me!) which allows me to play tons of computer games I couldn't play on my laptop (I've wasted a lot of time on that in the past week or so....)
I feel like I'm waking up and starting afresh. I guess I really am a child of Spring, no matter how much I like winter.
I look forward to reading your words again and getting a look into your worlds and sharing mine.
I hope you are well. I hope you are all happy.
I hope there are adventures in your hearts.
★ - didn't like it
★ ★ - it was okay
★ ★ ★ - liked it
★ ★ ★ ★ - really liked it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - it was amazing!
* Ingo, Helen Dunmore ★ ★ ★
* Cybele's Secret, Juliet Marillier ★ ★ ★ ★
* Time of Your Life (Bufy Season 8 vol. 4), Joss Whedon ★ ★ ★ ★
* The Dead-Tossed Waves, Carrie Ryan ★ ★ ★ ★
* Once a Witch, Carolyn MacCullough ★ ★ ★ ★
Notes: The Dead-Tossed Waves is the companion book to The Forest of Hands and Teeth (a dystopian look at what the world would look like after a zombie apocalypse mixed with romance), and I highly suggest reading the latter first. Cybele's Secret is the sequel to Wildwood Dancing, Marrillier's retelling of The Twelve Dancing Princesses. All of these are YA.