Since I don't have my own computer and, therefore, can't do any art digitally, (OMG- I'm going through major withdrawal here!), I've taken to doodling in my notebooks before class. This is just an eye (which scanned all weird lol) and a lower half of a face. I didn't have time to sketch anything else cause class started and I kinda had to pay attention. ;p Oh, and the words you sorta see are from my med. terminology class and are located on the back of the paper. Apparently, the sheets are very thin so *shrug*
Three days into the semester and I'm already being toe raped by school work. This is going to be a really shitty semester. Srsly. It's painful just thinking about all the papers and clinical research projects and clinical/ethical applications. I'm going into a clinical setting next semester so I have to learn modalities and manipulations and traction... all the good stuff of PT, which is really exciting despite all the work I'm going to have to be doing. I will learn everything about muscles and nerves and I'm such a nerd because I'm so fascinated by that stuff. After working in the field for a while, since I'm so intrigued, I probably will go on for my doctorate in PT. (Oh, the debt that will bring. T.T) Who knows though. Maybe, maybe not.
Edit: I'm back into Samurai Champloo... AGAIN. lol. Every 6 months or so, I seem to venture across the episodes and get all obsessed again. I can't help it. It's just such a brilliant anime. <3