Before you even open your eyes, you know something's wrong. This bed is too small. It's a twin, if that, and there's something odd... It feels like it's stuffed with hay. The silence also gets you -- no cards, no air traffic, nothing -- not even the buzz of electricity. Finally, your eyes open and you find yourself inside a room that looks like it's seen better days. Maybe there's some one else in another bed sleeping, maybe there's not, but the question isn't who they are -- it's how did I get here?
The windows in the room let in light and you can see out to an overgrown garden and a thick and high stone wall. Beyond that stand trees, numerous trees shrouded in a mist. It doesn't move, it doesn't dissipate or get heaver -- it just hangs there, a constant veil upon this world. And then you realize that those aren't window panes you're looking out of -- those are thick bars on the outside of the window, leaving space too small for anyone to get in or out.
The rest of the house is silent, utterly silent. None of the other occupants have woken yet. When you step on the floorboards, they make no squeak -- neither does your rude bed. Your dressed in clothes that are not your own. Their homespun, rough, and either a peasant top and trousers/skirt or a dress. You're barefoot. You have absolutely nothing of your own on you, except for one thing. Now this is just getting weird.
Maybe you ignore the sleeping person in your room, or if you're alone you leave to find a large house in the same condition as the room. You head down stairs and resting by the foot of the staircase is a sleeping Queensland Heeler -- he doesn't hear you come. The same bars cover all the windows down there too, and if you open the front doors, you find more bars behind it, and then a set of locked double doors behind that. As you move, you get to feeling like you're a little hung over -- a breath of a headache, nausea, your limbs want to drag. But those can't be paid any mind now. Where are you, why are you there, and who else is there with you?
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