-Name: Samantha
-Name Backwards: ahtnamas
-Does your name mean anything? listener
-Were you named after anyone? kinda
-Nick Name(s): Sam
-Screen Name(s): isxitxfatex
-Date Of Birth: march 8
-Current Location: my house
-Sign: piscese
-Height: 5'3
-Weight: 123
-Shoe Size: 7-7.5
-Hair Colour: brown
-Eye Colour: brown
-Innie or Outie? innie
-Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous? righty
-Boyfriend: Kamil...
-Crush: kamil =)
-Parent(s): wendy n ralph
-Funniest friend: im not sure
-Craziest friend: sarah
-Loudest Friend: im not sure
-Person you cry with: sarah was the last to see me cry
-Any sisters: nope
-Any brothers: one
-A Disease: no
-A Pager: no
-A Personal phone number: yea
-A leather jacket with studs on it?:no
-A heroin needle: no
-A Car: not yet
*Describe Your... *
-Personality: awesome
-Room: medium dark blue light blue
-Shoes: too many
-School: south high
-Bed: twin
-Believe in yourself: sometimes
-Do you believe in love at first sight? sometimes
-Consider yourself a good listener: yea
-Consider yourself a good friend: yes
-Get Along with your parents: sometimes
-Save your e-mail conversations: no
-Believe in reincarnation: no
-Like to make fun of people: depends on who it is
-Like to talk on the phone: yea
*Do you... *
-Get motion sickness: no
-Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: sometimes... if their to hot to hold
-Dream in colour: sure
-Type with your fingers on home row: nope
-Sleep with a stuffed animal: no
*What Is/Are/Was... *
-On your mouse pad: blue
-Your dream honeymoon spot: tropical island
-Under your bed: god knows
-Your bad time of the day: spanish class
-Your worst fear(s): spiders, dark, being alone
-The weather is like: gross
-The date? september 8th
-The hardest thing about growing up: moving forward
-Your funniest experience: o god... im not sure
-Your scariest moment: not sure
-The silliest thing you've said: you dont pee on your friend with a phone
-The craziest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): many to chose from
-The worst feeling in the world: being alone
-The best feeling in the world: being loved
-Color: red
-Day: friday/ saturday
-Month: late october early november
-Song: many
-Season: autumn
-Flower: white roses
-State: massachusetts
*This or that*
-Me/You: you
-Coke/pepsi: coke
-Day/night: night
-Aol/aim: aim
-Cd/casette: cd
-Dvd/vhs: dvd
-Jeans/khakis: jeans
-Car/truck: car
-Lunch/dinner: dinner
-Britney/Christina: christina
-Lipstick/Lipgloss: lip gloss
-Silver/Gold: silver
*Love and relationships*
-Do you have a bf/gf?: yes ... kamil
-Do you have a crush: yes... ^
-How long have you liked him/her?: for like 9 and a half months =)
-Who was your first love?: Mike Roy
-What do you miss about them?: hearin his voice
*The past*
-What is the one thing you would change about your past?: nothing... its like this for a reason
-What is the biggest mistake you've made in your life?: lol RB
-Last thing you heard: kamil tellin me he loved me
-Last thing you saw: OC bytch =)
-Last thing you said: i love you too
-Who is the last person you saw?: my brother
-Who is the last person you hugged?: kamil
-Who is the last person you fought with?: kamil
*The present*
-What are you wearing?: black shorts and a black t
-what are you doing?: listenin to music
-Who are you talking to?: no one
-Where are you?: garge
-How are you feeling?: tired, bored
-Are you in a chat room?: nope
-What day is it tomorrow?: friday
-What are you going to do after this?: sleep maybe =)
-Who are you going to talk to?: kamil
-How old will you be when you graduate?: 18
-What do you wanna be when your older?: i have a few things in mind
-Where will you be in 25 years?: hopefully happily married wit children and my own business
*Have you ever*
-Drank?: yes
-Smoked?: yes
-Had sex?: yes
-Done anything illegal?: obvisiously
-Wanted to die?: yes a few times
-Hit someone?: not to hurt em... well maybe my brother
-Do you write in cursive or print?: both
-What piercings do you have: 4
-Do you drive?: not legally
-Do you have glasses or braces?: glasses
*Physical appearance*
-What do you most like about your body?: collar bone... gay
-Do you think you're good looking?: yea
-Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?: i get your really pretty and sometimes beautiful
-Do you look like any celebrities?: my dad thinks i look like jennifer love hewitt... but i dont see it
-Do you wear a watch?: no
-Favorite pants/skirt colour?: my light blue jeans
-Most expensive item of clothing?: im not sure
-What kind of shoes do you wear?: nike nd reebok
-How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?): i act older than 16 but i can be quite the child at heart
-Why would you wanna act old?: i dont
-What are your worst qualities: short attention-span... temper
-What are your best qualities: good with words
-How long does it take you get ready in the morning: going to school it takes like 45 minutes to an hour... not goin to school... like 20-30
-Do you dream at night?: yes
-Do you remember your dreams?: sometimes
-Describe one: to long
-What time do you wake up on weekends?: depends
-Do you sleep with one pillow or two?: one
-Do you like school?: some days
-Why/why not?: my mood, tired, spanish >=| , umm... some other reasons too
-What's your fave subject?: so far im likin algebra and english, journalism is okay tho
-Do you have a fave teacher?: mr. wilbur and ms. hight
-Ever had a crush on a teacher?: i think we all did at one point
-Do you have a best friend?: yes
-Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?: guy
-Do you ever get annoyed at any friends?: of course... its normal
-Have you ever stolen a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend?: i dont think so