[The screen shows nothing but static for a few minutes before it finally changes to the image of a woman with her blond hair up in a fancy knot. She's sitting on an armchair in the New Bark Town pokemon center, but she's shivering and looks extremely irritated. You can't really blame her, though, considering the way she's
dressed. Not exactly what someone should be wearing during a blizzard.]
So this is how this thing works. [She's never seen anything like this before, but that doesn't stop her from scowling.] Seriously, what the hell is this?! How dare that human push me out into the cold as though I'm some sort of peasant! Ronove! Lucifer! Leviathan! Satan! Belphegor! Mammon! Beelzebub! Asmodeus! Why do none of you come when I call for you? [She's interrupted by something prodding the back her head. She whips her head around to see who it is, but when she does, her sharp blue eyes slightly soften. She faces the camera again.] Well, at least I managed to acquire a new piece of furniture for myself.
[She moves the camera onto a female Girafarig.] I freed this demon from its prison and since it won't leave me alone, I've decided to accept it as my new furniture. She is Abbadon. [The pokemon lets out a happy shrill, making you wonder how such a happy pokemon could be paired with such a scary woman.]
[Beatrice makes the camera of the gear face her again.] I'm not sure if anyone else can hear me, but I will say it anyway. I am Beatrice the Golden Witch! If anyone sees a human named Battler Ushiromiya, bring him to me at once. After all, [she cackles] we still need to finish our game. [The feed cuts.]