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zeroseven_ July 17 2015, 14:10:11 UTC
i really liked this! you had me hooked from the start and i really felt for junmyeon because i reckon no one likes to be told what/how they should be and while junmyeon /might/ just be the responsible, mature goody-two-shoes that they think he is, it doesn't mean that he or anyone should be okay with it. it's okay to want to be different and want to try new things and get new experiences and i feel so awful for junmyeon that he was turned away every time he tried. i mean, sometimes it's FUN to be someone you're not, especially for actors who want to branch out into different things. it's really sad that he had to turn to his real life to create the chaos he wanted in his reel life and i almost hope his award was for something darker than the type of character suho was

and of course chanyeol ;_; he was such a sweetheart ;_; he laid his heart on a silver platter and even when junmyeon unknowingly stepped on it and cut it into a million pieces he still handed it over to him to do whatever he wanted to. he was so gracious to someone who broke his heart and ignored him and i hope junmyeon wakes up every morning next to his perfect chanyeol and thanks his lucky stars that chanyeol never gave up on his dense self.

thanks so much for writing this!


endlesstars August 4 2015, 23:36:04 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it and I'm so glad you got Junmyeon in this. It's really unfair and seems like it happens a lot to child actors, where they're so known for that one role that people have a hard time seeing them as anything else. And in Junmyeon's case, it's not really acting if you're playing yourself, and his dream was to act. But yes, I intended for him to finally get the roles he wanted and be proud of the award he won :D


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