Jun 29, 2005 23:47
10 Celebs....God...difficult shit
Angeline Jolie (Well I dont need to explain this right?)
Bettie Page (So whats shes dead...she was the greatest)
Fairuza Balk (Shes not the hottest, but she has this odd "average" Im going to kill you look...fucking owns
Britney Spears (Not my favorite person, but with the shit they put on her before videos...very very cute)
Laurell K Hamilton (Shes my writing goddess)
David Bowie (Enough Said)
Johnny Depp (Fucking Chocolate Factory shit...)
Antonio Banderas (::snuggles with Armand from INterview With the Vampire::)
David Blaine (He is cute and he does magic tricks!)
Will Smith (Ima just agree with Rusty and folks...hes all time classic)
Tag - Kimi, Eiji, Jay, Romero, Bunny