changeling72, this one's for you. Cos I can't get anywhere near replying to your comment, and it's driving me bonkers!!!
In response to your query, here's a brief Summary of the Various Jameses:-
James I - Murdered, though his wife and her ladies did their best to protect him (Don't ask me the date, he's before my time).
James II - Blown up accidentally, because he stood too close to a bombard named 'Lion' which was being used at the siege of Roxburgh (1460).
James III - murdered by an unknown assassin as he fled the field after the Second Battle of Bannockburn (aka The Battle of Sauchieburn) (1488).
James IV - died at Flodden, 9th September 1513. The most successful of his line, his major achievement is this. Even though he took one heckuva risk and made a gamble that failed at Flodden, the miracle of that day was this - he took the whole country with him. He unified the nobility, who had until then been thoroughly unpleasant and intractable.
[Oh, and
Steepholm is of course correct! I have FORGOTTEN (!!) poor James V, who had a short and rather insipid career, in an increasingly fractious realm being rocked by intrigues fuelled by the French and the English, each of whom wanted to steer Scotland over in their direction. He died a broken man shortly after the debacle at Solway Moss, and his widow Mary of Guise, well, she was one tough lady! The Dowager from Hell, and French, which wasn't good news for the English...]
James VI - later James I of England. He didn't like witches very much, and it's said he didn't like women much either.
Hope that's helpful! Oh, and you'd probably enjoy Fatal Rivalry by George Goodwin, because it's dealing with the inter-relationshop between Scotland and England, and James IV/Henry VIII.
(P.S. I'm not annoyed at you, I'm annoyed at all the blinkin' adverts on LJ. We've been looking at furniture, lawnmowers and B&Bs on the net, and now all we're getting is endles FURNITURE, LAWN MOWERS AND B & B'S. GAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Oh, and
Steepholm, thanks! I'm about to head out the door, I really don't have time to post, and what should have been a short one-liner in a comment has become a post, and I'm having to respond to you in the same post, too. In other words, I don't know how much longer I can put up with this advertising nonsense from LJ. It's ruining the smooth running of the site!!]