The New Arrival!

Aug 05, 2013 18:21

Here it is!!

The 'prototype' edition of my forthcoming novel which arrived (in my absence) on Saturday:-

And the feeling is...

Hard to describe, really.

It's been such a long uphill struggle, and now it's over, and I have a novel with my name on it that's robust enough to act as a murder weapon (452 pages - wow!!!).

I have a lot of people to thank of course, including my publisher ericreynolds and the cover artist Thomas Vandenberg, not to mention the lovely jennyblackford who put me in touch with Hadley Rille Books in the first place.  And J, whose ruminations on the mysterious Duchal Castle helped me sniff out the plot outline in the first place.  And - last but not least - the Paisley Writers' Group deserve a mention for teaching me to be self-critical and a semi-decent editor!


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