I never feel as wise as I do when I am drunk and walking around Krd and Ponsonby Road by myself.
I mentioned this evening that I am so sensitive to music, that what I am listening to effects my entire way of thinking at any given point.
Tonight, the broken heartbreakers at the wine cellar, reminded me instantly of jerome. I miss him very much.
I can't be fucked using shift to make capitals tonight.
Then we went a bar where i spent a small fortune buying drinks for complete strangers.
Then i put my ipod on, and i walked. certain bloc party songs made me sad, badly drawn boy made me happy.
i smiled and talked to people on their way out for the night.
i cried because i felt so lonely.
i talked to some prostitutes, and wished them well.
i yelled at the *fuckwits* driving past in thier cars hurling abuse at said people.
i smiled at so many people.
i sung out loud to bloc party
i talked to a man who told me that his grandfather owned this land. he was angry. I just said to him, "be you".
fuck i felt wise, when in reality, I am a 25 year old drunk girl.
when i'm drunk, it all seems so simple.
i dont understand how it ever got cool to be an impersonating, ignorant, fake person. I never will.
why can't we all just live and let live, and appreciate the colour that people bring to our environment, lifestyle and culture.?
Singstar 80's at jo's tomorrow night.
I'm going to sing Ice ice baby.
"alright, stop.
collaborate and listen,
Ice is back with a brand new something...."
i like rapping.
yeah man.