Oct 07, 2005 10:48
Well, alot as been going on this week.
Monday: District Attorney appointment at 8:30am. Of course, Kelsey had to spit up on the way to bring my Mom to work. After dropping Mom off, Kelsey and I had to run to the house, change her clothes and get to DayCare at 8am. Well, that didn't work with the traffic and Kelsey thinking cloth changing is alot of fun. She rolls all over the place. Then, when I get her straight she, sees a toy and grabs for it, rolls again! Finally, at 8am we get in the car to head to daycare. We arrive, at 8:30am. I'm run her in and leave. I make it to the DA's at 9:20am. Yes, traffic is that bad at that time in the morning! When, I get to the DA's, I'm told I have to wait until 9:30am because she was in will someone else. No biggy because I WAS THE ONE LATE. After finally getting in the the DA's office at 10am I find out she can't start my Child Support case because I only have ONE check stub and I need THREE!! Okay, find I have to set an apointment for after the 1st week in Nov because that is when I will have THREE check stubs.
10:30am - I call Pam because Saturday I got a letter from my Social Worker I have a STEP Program meeting to be at 2pm. So, instead of coming to work for 1 hour I would just take the rest of the day. She was okay with that but my ANAL boss was not. Pam call me back and said Mr. Broussard said to not return until Wednesday when Mr. Parker came back to re-think my job hiring!
3:30pm - Pam called and told me she talked to Mr. Parker and he said to go to work Tuesday!
Tuesday - I'm the first person there at the office except Mr. Broussard. Him and I had words because I was there when he told me not to come until Wednesday. Well, I don't need people (him) talking to me like a little animal. I left. I quit.
After having a bad day Corey pisses me off. He was just being a Dick like guys get. I know I'm a bitch at times but today of all days I didn't need him to act the way he did. But oh well that is life in a relationship.
Fuck Corey!
Wednesday - The harrass my mom at work. They want me back in the office. I wont go back. They thought talking to my mom about it would get me to change my mind. It didn't. It just pissed me off. I'm 24 years old, you don't have to call my mom about my job. I am an adult. I can handle my own job problems.
Thurday -- WOO HOO that is today! Today is much better all ready. I have 3 interview lined up!
Corey was waiting at my house when I got home from dropping Kelsey at DayCare and my mom at work. He had a Dozen of White Lilies and a teddy bear. He said he was sorry for blowing me off Tuesday for his band. He said he loves me but loves his band too. He is so sweet.
See, since he came home in August he has been working really hard to get his band started and he has. They are making songs for their demo. They have 3 songs written and recorded. Now, they have 3 more to do and they can start opening for bands in the Metro area! I'm really happy and excited for him. This has been his dream since 10. He is great. I'm not just saying that because he loves me, I'm saying it because it is true. He has tons of songs written. A few for me, and some for Kelsey but he isn't using that with his band because those are his Solo songs!
Okay well, I have to go!