Dec 24, 2005 00:57
Technically it's Christmas Eve. Holy shit where has this year gone?! So much has happened in the past year, and I am not who I was at the beginning of 2005. Thinking about it, it amazes me how much people change in a year. I've discovered so much in the past year it's ridiculous. Looking back on my "relationships" from the beginning of the year it's funny, because I am so far from acting how i did. I apologized my ass off for one in particular last night. I've grown so much out of the child I was. I mean, yes I know I still am in some sences a child, but I'm not immature contrary to some peoples thoughts. Also contrary to what people say, I do not talk shit or try and send people after anyone. Just wanna clear that up. It's childish to hold on to things for this long. If you can't accept it, forget it. If i could sit here and tell you everything that has happened in the past year I would. In my mind I've come to terms with a lot of my reasons for things I've done and how I've acted. Yet, at this point I've come to a block in the road, I'm neither going forward or backwards... just stuck. I think there is a reason, that there is something that I'm supposed to do or learn at this point in time and because I haven't yet I can't move past where I stand. I have met quite a few absolutely amazing people this year. As stupid as people think I am for it, meeting Drew has really taught me a lot. He is absolutely amazing, and genuine. He is like no other guy I've ever met in my life. I can't even put into words the way things are. I will update more often hopefully. As for now, I need to finish my wrapping and get to bed because I need to do more shopping in the morning before going to my grandmothers. Yikes! What a busy day.
Merry Christmas everyone!!