May 28, 2006 10:33
sandra first of all you told me not to even bother calling you til knew where i was going to be!!!!....i was fuckin asleep by like 12:45......and then i wake up tp like 20 missed calls and sum stupid ass fuckin text message that you think is real cute......but its fuckin stupid.....WHY THE FUCK WUD JADE BE THERE...DONT BE FUCKIN STUPID SANDRA!!!!! AND NOW YOUR NOT GNA ANSWER MY CALLS WHICH IS PRETTY DUMB WHEN YOU OBVIOSLY WANTED TO TALK TO ME LAST NITE.....SO NOW IM CALLING YOU BACK THAT IM SEEING YOUR CALLS AND NOW YOU WANNA PLAY HARDASS....BCUZ THATS WHT YOU THINK I WAS DOING....DO WHAT YOU WANT.......