Jun 20, 2008 00:38
Here she sits.
Amongst the stars.
They've befriended her these past nights.
Calling to her with their shine.
She stares into the sky.
Mind wandering aimlessly.
Seeping into fond memories.
A star gleams in her direction.
It calls out, "For have you not seen?
Your future is bright."
She speaks to the star.
"Foolish star, you cannot see the future,
How can you possibly know what it holds for me?"
Star tells her the future speaks to him.
"Future has great things in store,
For you, young child, have much to live for."
Taking to heart what the star had to say,
She lay down in her bed, thinking and pondering.
Opening her mind and heart.
The fear unfolded itself and pooled around her;
Anticipation and anxiety followed.
Slowly, her emotions seeped into the mattress beneath her.
"Future has great things in store...", she thought.
As she drifted to sleep, the stars from her window shone down on her.
She whispered a promise to star, to be the best she could possibly be in her future
Alright, well...I'm not sure where that came from.
I needed to get something out. My fingers just started and wouldn't stop till my mind stopped racing. These shitty feelings need to go. NOW.
-Sigh- Things have been hectic and really lame 'round here.
No boxes left in my room. All that's left in my vicinity:
Mattress, laptop, dresser and two weeks worth of clothing.
For those of you who do not know, leave date: July 1st
Booked it to L's to see the Schaefer family. Muchly missed them,
'twas amazing to see them all again. Their house has a perfect second-home feel to it.
It's so comfortable and I just needed some loving. It's been lacking over here.
Lots of hugs and smooches and cuddles, best things ever! And from one of my favorite families<3
Let's see...This weekend:
Saturday: Great Escape with boyfriendddd<3, then staying at his house
Sunday: Home from baby's before 2. Aunt and Uncle are coming over -_-
The 22nd is me and Jaytee's 2 month! ^_^
Then next Friday is Lauren&my Coughiversary! xD
I take my liscense test on the 26th @ 3pm. Eeeek!
The 30th is when I'm biding all of you goodbye.
This is because on the 1st, we're leaving early in the AM.
So unless you live close or really feel like getting up early to say goodbye,
the 30th will be the final day. >.<
I despise my life being on a time limit.
Okay, well just needed to update.
Hope everyone's well. Miss you all already!
-kiss- iLOVEyou baby<3