Jan 02, 2009 13:09
How did THAT happen. Three days without internet. I just about died.
Damn snow- messing with our satellite signal.
Oh well. The past is done and all that..... Christmas break is almost over, and so starts the last semester of school- forever. Don't know what to think about that. I mean, sure, I hate school as much as the next person (lol) and I've already got living arrangments set up.. But I don't know. Being an adult. Very different. Maybe I'm just being stupid. Seriously, I spend like all of my time where I'm gonna be living in a few months anyway (Jasper's new apartment), and it's not exactly like I'm some kind of innocent child anymore.
It's time to grow up.
Nate's been calling me consistently for the past few days. I'm seriously considering getting my number changed. Yes, I loved him. Yes, we had some good times. But the way he hurt me- he doesn't deserve shit. It's not my fault things're going wrong with Backup Chick. She just happened to see what I did. He's manipulative, and hurtful, and just a manwhore overall :) I have enough respect for myself now not to go back to that.
It's hard, though. Still. Some small, stupidly emotional part of my brain keeps calling out for him. But that guy really did a number on my heart, and it's gonna be hard to rub that out. Even with things going so fantastic with ♡Jake♡. Goes to show you how pathetic I am, I guess ;)
Life'll move forward, though. No matter how old and wrinkly and stalked I get! lol