Self Introduction
Hey everyone. This is endlessduration and I'm finally introducing myself. I'd like to add you all and I would also like to know something about you. So please, if you can because you must, leave comments in this entry introducing yourselves. This is essential for me, especially to those who have added me before. And I
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My laptop's dying!!!!! -.-
Brb later to intoduce my self lovely arasooo?
Name: Raquel Mahabir
Nichname: (honestly I dont have one; that I like) But everyone calls me 'Rocky'....
Pen name: iiloveminho
Age: 14 years old
Birthday: June 6, 1996
Gender: Female
Blood type: I dont know these kind of things! Dont pressure me! -runsaway-
Location: Florida, US
Hobbies: SLEEPING<------my favorite one!, dancing, singing, fhanging with friends, LIVEJOURNAL, and I could go on and on but I have to end this comment soon...kekeke.
Fandoms: I only like SHINee and SNSD..-dies-
Anything else you wanna know unnie?
can i give you a nickname? how does eL sound?
you're afraid of injections? o___o
~no... i couldn't think of any at the moment. my mind is blocked.
but i'm sure to ask you some in the future xDD
Why am I laughing..?
Yyayayaya. New NICKNAME.
Yes. You may call me 'eL..'
M'kay thennn.
Hey. Can I ask you a question?
How do you put gifs in a comment box...?
-dumbfounded- i dunno
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