Sep 09, 2006 10:50
I am a truly lazy person. This means that I only get on the internet when I am somewhere like proteux's where it just kind of happens to me. I don't drive to the library. I'm lazy. And my house gets internety goodness on the 14th, so heck. I don't have to worry about it.
Anyway, it's been a productive and training tabulous week. This will be an interesting and difficult job because it's service that uses the mind kind of, but the heart a lot.
Incedentally, my boss is amazing. She is like a bizarre combination of Jen Small, Ghandi, and Captain Carrot. She's that enthusiastic/intense/effective/charismatic. (and if you don't know who Carrot is, read more Terry Pratchett.)
I'm kind of exhausted after this week in weird mental ways. Also, right now I'm cold, except my lap, which has my computer on it. Oh, yeah--It actually rained! Woo, typical Seattle weather.
Rambling. Incoherent. Need find food. I'm gonna go.