Sep 20, 2004 22:50
HaHA! hey guys whats up? this month is going to be really buisy i dont know if i already said this in my other journal but too bad your gonna hear (see) me bitch lol.i cant wait for homecoming im psyked! who doesnt have a date though? DANIELLE. o0o well life goes on because supposedly in this wonderful fairytale everyone has a soulmate or prince waiting to sweep them off thier feet. anyway on a more realistic note, today was an uncannily happy day for me it should have been a disaster but i guess i just brushed all the shit off my shoulder lol. lets see i was in skewl which sucked but w/e, and then i think i had a test in every class but health in which i didnt study for or remember or know anything about, in eneglish i have to re-take it because i didnt answer any questions lol( this is why danielle is punished for the weekend), then comes government, i havent a clue of anything tht is going on and i cheated the hole way through (go figure) so i hope the girl knew what she was doing because i need to keep that B lol, and lastly math i had to first of all rush to finish a hole shit load of h/w due beause we all know my mom would have flipped out on me if i didnt turn it in, and then we had a test , i always bullshit the h/w but i didnt cheat much on this test im so proud and i did pretty descent, so it goes to show you all out there i do have a brain (that works lol). i thought this week was gonna totally suck because of all the eagle-ette practice we have but it doesnt its actually not that bad and going to ballet isnt that bad either and god knows i need to lose those few pounds.o0o ya before i go, back to the hole danielle being punished incident, well you see my mother works at the skewl (o0o what a joy it is let me tell you) so anything i do gets back to her so all my teachers tell her when i get a bad grade, skip, dont pay attention, or am doing bad in the class overall. so i see my english teacher walk out of my moms room and im like o0o shit there goes my weekend and privacy lol, damn i must be ms cleo or something because i was rigght. the good thing is that #1 i dont care that much and #2 i have a holiday on saturday so i cant go out because im w/ my family anyway and then sunday ill be at my cousins because last weekend i said i would sleep over saturday, so f-that HAH! in yur face bad karma! (knock on wood) well g2g get some beauty sleep lol
x0x Dani