(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 21:46

so im walking back from a psychology experiment where i answered multiple questionaires about my personality and behavior: marijuana use, parents expectations, and nightmares were among the various topics. yes my parents never thought i was good enough and i smoke weed to be cool and fit in, and to get rid of the nightmares. no. anyway, theres a car turning off of a side street that being the pedrestrian, i walk in front of because i have the right of way. as i clear the street and they turn i hear:
"hey, wanna fuck, bitch?"
how about NO!
it made me mad more than anything. no, i only fuck men, not stupid boys that holler fuck and bitch out of car windows at girls walking by.
usually im flattered by these things when its like "holla at cha yo boy" or "damn girl" and various other things guys holler out at girls when they are walking/driving by.
but this time, i was offended. not cool.

but the lovely boys across the hall let me watch the oc in their room because im too poor to afford cable. it was very nice of them because they dont even watch the show, but they sat through it and didnt talk much except to figure out what was going on. nice nice boys made my night.
then i went to starbucks with joe, which was nice, and he went with me to get gas because my car was hungry. fucking $2.33. for regular! what the fuck? now i have $1 left to my name, last night i had $26. where does it all go? weed, gas, a hot dog, cigarettes, and coffee, and i managed to spend 25 dollars. i wanted a seven layer cookie bar thingy because my mother makes them and they are amazing, but they were $2.10, and i didnt have $2.10, i had 1. joe offered to pay for it, but i told him no, my fat ass didnt need it anyway. im still full from the gross dinner here at O-Hell.

and if anyone that i used to smoke with reads this: i went out on the balcony today and ryan and jared(t) (i dont know which is which) were smoking and they said that they were getting serious and i thought about everyone and missed them a little.

april 7th. april hurry and pass, i want to go home where i can go to my sisters house at night and not be bored, and want to eat good food that my mother cooks, and i want to sleep without the drunken idiots in the hall screaming and slamming doors. i want to hang out with laura and go to steak and shake when the urge hits, this online thing and the phone conversations just dont cut it. i want to go home. if i were home i wouldnt be alone in my room rambling endlessly on this thing that no one really bothers to read anyway, and i dont really care its just a way for me to pass the time. i would probably be at my sisters house with people that i know genuinely care about me. i think thats what i miss the most, knowing that who im with really cares. these people up here just arent the same. poe, your chairs arent comfortable or good for wanting to hook up when i have a friend come over, and your house is haunted, but i prefer you and them over this bed and this room anyday of the week. i miss you.
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