(no subject)

Mar 14, 2006 23:57

Archer: Ranged fighters who attack with bows. Very useless in close combat, they provide support for other fighters. Promotes: Sniper.

Armor Knight: Tough soldiers who are human tanks. They carry lances, heavy plate armor, and shields. With their decreased mobility, they are slower than other classes. Promotes: General.

Assassin: Thieves that have turned to killing people for a living. They are not the best fighters in one-on-one combat, but with the element of surprise they can be deadly. Most of them are skilled at getting around unnoticed, or they don't last very long. Promotes: none.

Axe Fighter: Strong fighters with either a preference for the axe, or unable to afford another kind of weapon. Promotes: Hero, Warrior.

Bandit: Axe wielding drifters who roam the hills, mountains, and forests. They are often strong, but unskilled. Promotes: Warrior, Berserker.

Bard: A travelling entertainer who performs to energize, or empower those fighting around him. Boosts morale. Some bards use knives to protect themselves in close combat. Promotes: ?

Berserker: The strongest of axe wielders. Berserkers rip through ranks of lesser fighters like a knife through butter. They are powerful at land, or at sea. Promotes: none.

Bishop: High ranking members of the Innussy church who use either light magic, or dark magic, and staves. Promotes: none.

Cleric: Staff wielding healers who have very little else to defend themselves with. Little binds the class together except for that one fact. Promotes: Bishop, Sage.

Dancer: A woman who dances to energize, or empower those fighting around her. Boosts morale. Some use knives to protect themselves in close combat. Promotes: ?

Dragon Knight: Riding the terrors of the sky, Dragon Knights are said to be some of the fiercest of warriors. Fast, intimidating, and strong, they are able to strike quickly and wreak havok. Arrows undo them quickly though, and magic can be a real threat. Promotes: Dragon Master.

Dragon Master: Masters of sky combat, Dragon Masters rule the skies with the lance and sword. They have been known to be dangers to both friend and foe on the battlefield because of the immense power they wield. Arrows and magic are the best ways to take one down. Promotes: none.

Druid: Advanced users of dark magic. They generally expand their horizons to anima magic, and staves. Promotes: none.

Falcon Knight: The squad leaders of Pegasus Knights, Falcon Knights carry lances, swords, and staves. They are often very swift, accurate, and resistant to magical attacks. Arrows pose a large threat to them though. Promotes: none.

General: Walking suits of armor in battle, Generals are the top dogs of melee combat. They carry lances, swords, and axes, are dressed in a large heavy plate armor, and look very intimidating. It takes a lot of physical prowess to punch through their armor, but they are more subject to magic attacks due to their decreased speed. Promotes: none.

Halberdier: Soldiers that have worked their way through the ranks, Halberdiers are the highest ranked soldiers. They wield lances with great skill, and have good mobility. Promotes: none.

Hero: Gaining strength, and a greater ability to defend themselves, Heroes are strong fighters. Excelling at strength, defence, and endurance, Heroes aren't to be messed with lightly. Promotes: none.

Lord: Characters who are of an extremely high birth, or position. Lords can use one or two weapons out of any available weapons. Promotes: Individual promotions per Lord.

Mage: A magically adept fighter who wields anima magic, and who usually focus on one element. Mages are the most common of the magic using classes, and have few qualities that really bind the class to a single description. Promotes: Sage, Mage Knight, Mage Fighter.

Mage Fighter: Powerful fighters who wield anima magic and swords. They come in all kinds of varieties. Promotes: none.

Mage Knight: Mounted mages who wield anima magic, swords, and staves. They are often swift, and skilled. Promotes: none.

Paladin: Paladins are considered the most balanced of Knights. They have a good balance of strength, speed, and defence. Paladins wield the sword, lance, and axe in battle, giving them even further balance in their fights. Promotes: none.

Pegasus Knight: Daughters of the upper and middle class of northern families, Pegasus Knights are often fast, skilled, and resistant to magic. Arrows tend to knock them out of the sky very easily. Promotes: Falcon Knight.

Sage: Powerful magicians who have excelled in their field, and expanded. Sages wield both anima and light magics, and staves. Promotes: none.

Saint: Acolytes who have dedicated themselves to light magic instead of branching out. Saints wield light magic, and staves. Promotes: none.

Shaman: Students of dark magic, Shamans strive to increase the strength of their minds in order to cast stronger magics. Promotes: Druid.

Sniper: Advanced archers who can put arrows into things at a greater range. They tend to have great skill with their bows. Promotes: none.

Social Knight: Wielding both the sword and the lance, Social Knights are knights who wish for variety rather than focusing on a single weapon. Generally balanced in several areas instead of gifted in a few, the class is well rounded. Promotes: Paladin.

Soldier: Men and women who have taken up arms in the service of their country, and have been trained for it. They carry lances, and shields, and are often given the more tedious work like guard duty. Promotes: Halberdier, General.

Sword Fighter: Wandering mercenaries, wealthier bandits, soldiers with an unusual preference, there are many people who come to hold the class of Sword Fighter. It all adds up to the fact that these fighters weild blades, and fight on foot. Promotes: Hero, Sword Master.

Sword Master: Gaining intense speed, and accuracy, Sword Masters are the swiftest of the Sword Fighters. More experienced Sword Masters can make their swords move faster than the untrained eye can follow. Promotes: none.

Thief: Sneaky rogues who carry knives, and seem to be invisible in a crowd. Not very handy in combat directly, they are often handy to have around to aid in odd jobs. Promotes: Thief Fighter, Assassin.

Thief Fighter: Thieves that are stronger than most others, and have the ability to stand up against other classes. They wield swords or knives, and are very swift and accurate. They are also good for stealing, and opening those stubborn locked doors. Promotes: none.

Troubadour: Mounted staff wielders who can rush in faster to heal. Troubadours are almost always female due to stigmas associated with them. Promotes: Mage Knight, Valkyrie.

Valkyrie: Mounted fighters who weild light magic, swords, and staves. They aren't the most common sight on a battlefield, but they are strong. Promotes: none.

Vicar: Students of light magic and nothing else, Vicars require strong faith to succeed. Little else binds the class together as a whole. Promotes: Saint, Sage.

Warrior: Armed with the axe and the bow, Warriors are a threat at both close and long range. They have great strength, and are to be ignored at your own risk. Promotes: none.


There are a couple of ways to promote in Endless Traces. By position in life, or by skill.

Position; Bishops, Generals, Assassins, and Falcon Knights are all classes that are reached by gaining a position. A character in any one of these classes doesn't have to be good with the weapons available to them. Your character becomes one of these classes when they actually reach the position the class is named after.

Assassins: Any thief who becomes a killer for money as a permanent job becomes an Assassin.

Bishops: There are fourteen Bishops of the Innussy Church in every country. Upon obtaining that rank, a character becomes a Bishop.

Falcon Knights: Falcon Knights are Pegasus Knights who have become commanders of a full wing, or a group of other fighters. A Pegasus Knight is considered a Folcon Knight when they lead others in combat.

Generals: A bit of the exception, Generals are only Soldiers or Armor Knights that have risen through the ranks, and gained a command of their own. Not everyone called a General is infact in the General class.

Skill; When a character fulfills all the requirements of being a certain class (ie: learned partial ability to use staves and light magic to go from Mage to Sage.) that character becomes promoted. There's nothing else to it.
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