( 504 )

May 14, 2005 18:07

I’m starting to believe that I’m in the wrong major.

Why is it that I always manage to get better grades in classes that I find the most difficult, either in work load or comprehension, that subjects I’m genuinely interested in? I got a B in my Environmental Studies class and a C in Music Appreciation during the first quarter. How does one get a C in Music Appreciation, one might ask? Aren’t you supposed to just [i]appreciate[/i] the music? If there’s anyone out there who should pull an A out of their ass for [i]appreciating[/i] music, shouldn’t it be Scarrachel? I’ve heard the jokes. Har Har. I suppose I have my own negligence to blame for that grade. I didn’t go to a concert for the class, and suffered an entire letter grade. But still. I even did better than the Greek Mythology class and I’ve always been intrigued by Greek Mythology.

And what about second quarter? I got an A- in my German: Dreaming Revolution class which featured some of the most difficult reading I’ve encountered yet (if I never have to read the Communist Manifesto again, it will be too soon), and all the tests were in essay format. I almost dropped the class in the beginning because I was uncomfortable with the material. But I stuck with it after coaching myself to have an open mind. And then I get a C in my psychology class.

And now, it appears that the class I have my best shot at getting an A in is probably my Art History class.

I enjoy reading for Art History more than I do the formal elements of film (except when it comes to Futurism and Suprematism, and then I just basically want to take my head and bang it against the desk. Multiple times.) Maybe I should just give up and be … English major. I always did well in English in high school. I can live with writing essay after essay, and I imagine the reading would be more bearable.

But what is there to do with an English degree after college outside of teaching English? I’m not good with people my own age now. There’s no way I could tolerate them later on down the road.

I think I’ve decided that one of the reasons I really like this show is there clever use of the mise-en-scene. I find myself gravitating towards icons that feature flashbacks, because I like the green tinted coloring that is always used. And even in the finale of Veronica Mars, with Lilly and Veronica’s final goodbye in the pool of lilies, everything was filtered pink and so very melancholy but beautiful. The use of color in the show is definitely one of its most distinguishing functions. And I also enjoy the wardrobe choices, and the dialog.

Logan’s “cold hearted bitch” remark to Veronica in the finale nailed my sentiments towards her over the past few episodes right on the dot. And while I have given more consideration to the fact that Logan, perhaps, hasn’t given her much of a reason to trust her from earlier on in the season … I still maintain that the writers went out of their ways to show how much he’s evolved. Veronica’s so incredibly fickle in her relationships. I have a feeling this will be explored next season. I suppose the fact that she is so obviously flawed in that respect is something to celebrate about, than criticize unsympathetically. If she were perfect, I’d probably dislike her more than I do.

The finale seemed a little anticlimactic at the end to me. They combined so many things in those last ten minutes that it just felt incredibly rushed to me.

But I think it was Wallace who was on the other side of the door. It just makes more sense. Duncan is probably mourning with his parents, and Logan is … lord only knows where right now. Lilly’s murder has been solved and now her spirit is free to carry on in peace. One door closes and another door opens, a new chapter begins. Hopefully we’ll see the friendship between Wallace and Veronica grow next season as well, and she’ll start owning up to the fact that it’s very one sided at times.

Final thought …

Jason Dohring totally wins for season stealer this year. The only time I got remotely teary in the finale was his scene up on the bridge. I really hope we get some kind of a flashback to Logan finding out it was his father that killed Lilly.

I haven’t seen a single episode this season. What I know about the show is pretty much thanks to TWOP recaplets. And from what I deduct, Rory really is living up to that little “whory Rory” euphemism we bestowed upon Alexis Bledel some couple years ago.

I have to say that, a, I have nothing against Alexis. And b, that I’m happy for Lorelai and Luke. And c, that the person who writes up the recaplets for TWOP is my hero, and I find myself more entertained by her than I probably would the show.

But what’s this I hear about Milo Ventimiglia supposedly returning for two episodes next season?

Please, dear god, no. The boy left on a relatively good note. I’m getting sick of the new Joey Potter syndrome that seems to have taken over the Gilmore Girls world in regards to Rory Gilmore. I’m starting to think the show is portraying a very horrible image too, in that none of these women seem to be very happy unless they have a man in their lives.

But, I digress.

Please, don’t bring Jess back. Not unless the plan is for him to come because of Luke, and maybe on the side, to comment on the horrible character Rory has become. Preferably with a new girl on his arm. A Harvard student, perhaps. Or better yet, an NYU film student! Who hates Rory too.

Then I might start watching again.

I hate reading. I have two presentations to prepare for Monday and Tuesday. And I have to devise a thesis on the film, Fight Club.

And did I mention that I hate reading?

This shall all be remedied with Hellraiser and Suspiria tonight. And maybe Shrek 2 afterwards, since I have a feeling I’m gonna need a happy movie.

OH. And my Stars CD arrived yesterday. So far, I’m enjoying it very much.
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