I’m trying to round up our garden pictures from the summer and sort through them to eventually upload onto Flickr. But in the meantime here’s some of the rewards of having a nice garden. Last weekend I was on a mission to get some things made and frozen before the rainy season hits us. I made my second batch of spaghetti sauce (so imagine this as my second pot & counter of tomatoes this size). I let the pot cool and then we freeze them in Ziploc bags so they take up less space. We use them fast enough that I don’t worry about them going bad and we have a really nice frost free freezer in the garage.
(Tomatoes and the sauce simmering)
I also whipped up pesto from some of the basil we had. I use almonds instead of pine nuts though because the price of pine nuts is a bit much imo and I like almonds. We freeze them in ice cube trays and then I put them in a Ziploc bag. I did this same process when making baby food so I have oodles of ice trays on hand for it!
(Basil & Pesto Cubes)
Recipe for Pesto here:
Easy Pesto ![](http://static.flickr.com/4126/5066300669_e3e3fe4c1f_m.jpg)
I also made zucchini cakes, similar to crab cakes. I have had lots of zucchini lately thanks to our wonderful neighbors, Carl & Linda. I didn’t take a picture but I found the greatest recipe for Zucchini Cobbler. I made it a week ago for a neighborhood get together and nobody could believe it was zucchini. They all thought it was apple! It’s delicious and a great way to use up zucchini!!! I’ve made the recipe a few times and each time it gets rave reviews.
(Zucchini cakes and the work area as I was prepping for pesto)
Zucchini recipes here:
Zucchini Cakes &
Zucchini Cobbler ![](http://static.flickr.com/4089/5066912058_d57d0c9b77_m.jpg)
(a lot of my recipes, like these, come from
allrecipes.com )
Pictures of the actual garden coming soon!
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