Patrick flies home this evening from Houston and then we hit the ground running with lots of stuff going on this weekend! It’s been a crazy week! One of the most annoying comments is about how we “did it or made it through the week” as opposed to the house burning down and all of us losing our minds or something. Of course we made it, I can more than handle the kids & house..even if I whine about it a bit! The hard part is honestly getting in this groove of a new schedule & routine when I’m used to having my loving “partner” there to help me out. I was telling him last night that there’s something about even having that extra set of eyes and ears that puts you a little more at ease and not so on edge about the chaos going on. I also admit to being completely spoiled by a loving husband and great father to our kids who does help out with not only the kids: watching them so I can shower, watching Merrick so I don’t have to take both Merrick & Braysen to swim lessons, getting the boys to/from daycare on days I have class, among other things. But, he also does some of the cleaning: aka trash and dishwasher emptying and he likes to vacuum haha. Some of those things I just listed are really big things when you are the only one around to do them! hehe
Anyhow off to our busy weekend! Saturday is full with a visit to Great Harvest Bread for their anniv. weekend specials. How could we miss double bread card punches, free coffee, cookies for the kids and balloons at our fave bread place?
Then we have the UFO Festival Parade in downtown McMinnville. Did you know that it’s the 2nd largest festival of its kind, only to Roswell, New Mexico’s? It’s probably one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen to be honest. It brings out the crazy’s and makes for great people watching!
Lastly we have a birthday party at
Scotty’s Playhouse for Austyn (a neighbor’s girl). One of the sweetest things she does is asking guests to bring donated items for
C.A.T. (Cat Adoption Team) instead of gifts. We adopted our Stormy kitten from them thanks to finding out about the organization from Tracy & Austyn. I was so impressed by C.A.T. and I highly recommend that if you are looking to adopt a kitten in Oregon to check them out!
Somewhere between all of that and on Sunday we need to get our garden planted. We have the tilling to do, since I pulled the weeds last weekend! Then we need to get the compost in there to fill it up more. Time to stink up the car again I think! Sometime in the midst of that I need to get out and buy the veggies + last few herbs to fill it up. I’m hoping my green thumb pays off!
I’ve gone OCD with this garden stuff and made up a spreadsheet plotting out the lay of the land shall we say. It has the various beds dimensions and what I have planted. The main vegetable garden is the one I need to plot out currently. The spreadsheet isn’t true to where the beds are laid out in the backyard but more so just the shape and order of how I plant in them. I just want to be able to look at this to tell where things are. In part because next year when I’m planting again I can make sure I rotate crops in the right places. I’ll be adding notes to the spreadsheet through the season as to what’s growing well, bugs we have & treatments, fertilizing and dates when we see them producing..basically a garden journal of sorts.
I am also looking at companion plant lists to see which veggies like to be next to each other, which herbs or plants to grow next to them to keep the bugs away etc. So much to learn! Thankfully the Vegetable Garden Bible book I was recommended has been a great resource and then of course I have the internet with it’s endless amounts of information! I’ve really gone with the square foot gardening idea because we don’t have huge plots and I think with the size of our cedar beds it will work the best.
Here’s the spreadsheet on google docs:
Garden 2010 I’ll be updating it as I go ..or that’s the idea!
One last thing~ I’ve been meaning to get new pictures up on Flickr. I posted some facebook but I need to get my flickr galleries all updated. I am on a picture taking frenzy again now that I have this new camera. I’ll post about it later but my Canon Rebel T1i came last week and I’m in love..if it’s possible to love a camera that is!
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