an autobiographical tale of demise...

Jun 27, 2005 16:40

one lonely child waits at the window,
searching for truth in the clouds.
her wishes are a carousel of wonders,
and yet she can't quite pinpoint
where truth fades to fantasy.

sometimes its only too easy
to get drugged by a fairytale.
happily ever after can be dangerously enticing
because you never see how the prince behaves
once the curtain goes down on his smiles.

so she drags her hope with her wherever she goes,
her security blanket against poisoned apples,
but at each new assault her shield becomes increasingly weakened,
while her blanket of hope unravels at its seams.

so she turns to wishes
without any thought of belief that they'll actually come true,
and she stocks her piggy bank full of pennies
in case she ever wanders across that lucky well shes heard so much about.

lately she realized shed found something worth spilling her jar full of wishes for,
but even as the thought crossed her mind,
she was resigned to the mere moments later
when shed be one again lying abandoned,
searching for some thread of truth
in the ever mysterious clouds.
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