Tweets Of The Day

Jul 09, 2010 00:00

  • 20:34 @ neilhimself I'm 8k into my entry already! #
  • 20:40 If I put any more tarot decks into my Wish List, Amazon is going to start adding unattached sugar daddys to my recommendations. #
  • 21:06 It's a dessert, it's historical- and really, what else do I need in life? #
  • 21:31 @ feelieking Yes, and I also have this fantasy where the Go Compare tenor is brutally gunned down by a pair of meerkats... #
  • 22:25 I've been busy with the tarot reviews again today. #
  • 22:54 @ fairywren Thanks for that! Once I'm done reviewing my collection, I'm contemplating adding meanings to the wikia as well. #
  • 23:51 These Are The Days Of Our Lives by Queen still makes me cry. That last bit when Freddie whispers he still loves us. Oh dear gods. #
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puddings, twitter, tarot

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