Tweets Of The Day

Jun 09, 2010 00:00

  • 09:00 Wish me luck- I'm just off to a job interview. B's only company so far that've done what they said they'd do, when they said they'd do it. #
  • 16:46 Woah! Raingods With Zippos by Fish was released 11 years ago already! #
  • 16:49 I'm back from interview, BTW. I'll hear by the end of the week, I'm told. I did well, so if I lose it's only because someone was better. #
  • 17:19 @ Aleksandr_Orlov Humans were always friends with meerkats, we used to call you "sun angels" and believed you saved us from werewolves. #
  • 21:50 I've been single too long- I couldn't remember the proper name for Japanese Rope Bondage. #
  • 22:13 @ freddiefraggles Yup, shibari. #
  • 23:01 @ ephraelinhats @Vampire_Hermes Good stuff! Hello, world! #
  • 23:30 It's depressing how many men I know badly need to read this: #
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