Tweets Of The Day

Jun 06, 2010 00:00

  • 02:45 A much better take on the Wakefield scandal than anything I could manage: #
  • 15:07 I've learned a new word- orthorexia. It's a fascinating condition. And with the 5-a-day scheme et al, it's like a government-approved ED. #
  • 16:35 I've accidentally invented the tomato and basil smoothie. I've added cream and ice and now it's gorgeous! I'll be supping that all day. #
  • 17:26 Guess someone out there needs dryad porn. Pretty sure it's not me. #
  • 21:36 Craving both fruit and hydration. Have just added orange juice and 7-up, not bad actually, but a bit bitty. #
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