Doctor Who thoughts- now with slash goggles!

May 15, 2010 19:23

*Hello, rural cliche!

*I'm screaming too- Rory's rat tail!

*Not a leafblower, hon.

* "You swallowed a planet!" Must remember to use that on my sister. From a safe distance.

* Aww, the Doctor has the same nightmare about being trapped in rural England that I do!

* Rory and the Doctor look so snuggly together!

* Chucking away the manual- such a bloke.

* "Don't talk to me when I'm cross!" I have days like that.

* Sinister oldies, let's roll!

* Hmm. Swing and a miss on the diplomacy check, there.

* I sense bowtie envy from the Dream Lord!

* Oooh, he's a bastard. I like him.

* Why is it always about Amy, ffs? Bad enough we're watching Amy Pond's Amazing Time Travelling Harem!

* Little purple space dog? I'm going to need K-9 and a can of spraypaint!

* That jumper is hilariously horrible.

* Don't take the piss Amy, just because you're being gross and not using a Loom.

* It's okay, Rory, you'll find a grownup to marry someday.

* A cold star? Really? It's daft but I like the idea and don't know why.

* Piles of dust? I don't like the looks of- oh damn, I called it.

* Dreamlord definitely fanboying here. And there's nothing wrong with digging redheads!

* Rory battering old ladies! And calling Amy Chubs!

* Oh, I do so love the Doctor's baby-giraffe stagger.

* Sofa can read, huh. Lending my sofa a paperback soon.

* It's going to have to be zero degrees kelvin. That's not so hard to say, is it?

* The oldies sound like the Scream of the Shalka. Anyone remember that?

* That's it. All new companions must go through a slideshow showing their, uh, thirty odd predecessors before they get a key.

* Yes! Scissors! The hair of the entire freaking universe gets a little better by average.

* Oh shit, no.

* Are they going to Thelma and Louise this? No, they're going to take out some more oldies on the way, though!

* I'm calling it- the Dream Lord Master of the Land of Fiction.

* Why are there winds just outside the TARDIS?

* Ooh, I was wrong. Hmm. The Doctor's unconscious isn't terribly impressed with Amy. I wonder if that's from when she jumped on him?

It's a shame, I'd love future bastardry for the Dream Lord.

doctor who

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