(no subject)

Mar 01, 2010 00:13

I'm glad those logos are finished at last!

This one is much nicer:

Happy birthday me! I did most of my celebrating on Saturday, and what a celebration it was. I went off to Nottingham with Andy, whereupon we went off to Kayal, and lovely little tucked away curry house that does an amazing set meal- fifteen pounds for a three course meal of such loveliness that just the main course alone would probably cost twenty quid in London.

After that, we pottered off to Mondo Comico, the little comic run by my old friend Dave.Comics and gaming goodies aside, he also sells steampunk jewellery, so if you listen carefully you can still hear the whimpers of my debit card.

Today I've mostly been using my new scanner to dig out my tarot and review it for your delectation and delight. The result is Seven Cups And A High Priestess, my shiny new tarot review site.

And now, I reckon I should go to bed!

google logo, interesting links, tarot

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