(no subject)

Dec 22, 2009 23:09

Looking foward to the logo sequence already!

It's been a good Solstice. Sure, the fog meant I didn't see the sun until after my first hot drink of the day, but He's back and not a moment too soon. Walking to work this morning wasn't so much "hail the sun unconquered" as "where are you, yer slacker? Have you seen how bloody slippy it is down here while you've been napping?"

Still, I've turned the heating up, and tonight I had a rather nice bit of steak to celebrate the lengthening of days. I've a mountain of food in the house, and new hat and gloves (£6 all told from Tesco). I look remarkably silly in the hat, but I also look astonishingly warm and comfy, so I'm prepared to look as though my head is too small for my skull.

And since Tesco is near the Polish shop, and the Polish shopkeeper has learnt that if he gives me free samples I lose all sense of fiscal moderation, I've got a whole new food obsession! Krówki is this lovely sweet, that seems like a toffee-fudge on the outside but then gently gives way to this soft dulce de leche-like stuff. I've saved some to hook everyone at work on during Christmas Eve. Mwahahaha!

And finally, since I'm thinking evil thoughts, I wonder if I can take over the whole back room making a rag rug before Andy gets back?

google logo, pagan

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