Tweets Of The Day

Nov 01, 2009 21:00

  • 14:39 Does anyone else want to put a flux capacitor in Gene Hunt's Quattro? Everyone else gets to time travel but him... #
  • 16:32 The Wizard of Oz's Dorothy was originally short, round and ginger. Hello, sister! #
  • 16:35 Support Royal British Legion, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - #
  • 16:36 RT @Paul_Cornell Support Royal British Legion, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - #
  • 21:27 @ Thessalian Nooo, you fiend! I've petered out at under 2k! #nanowrimo #
  • 21:32 @ Thessalian I'm not even sure what this thing's about. So far there's baking, and puppies being weaned. Anyone seen a plot lying around? #
  • 22:13 Bugger this, I'm boring myself. Let's try another idea... #
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