(no subject)

Jun 23, 2009 03:03

I'm growing through my collection of Princess Perdissa recipes, and wondering what the holy hell was wrong with me. Granted, I was delirious with boredom back in the day, but is there any reason I tried to inflict curdled milk on small children? Sorry, my mistake: that's curdled ginger milk.

You will need:
One tablespoon of sugar,
two tablespoons of ginger juice
One cup of milk.

Stir the milk into the sugar.
Ask your grownup to heat the milk very gently. As soon as it starts to simmer, your grownup needs to get it off the heat.
Leave it to cool for a couple of minutes. pouring it from one cups to another will make it cool faster.
Pour in the ginger, stir it just the once then leave it to set.
Serve while warm.

Okay, yes, it's an authentic Chinese dessert, but I'm going to see if I can find a tong sui recipe instead.


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