(no subject)

Dec 13, 2008 18:29

So I went into my favourite little "shop and info space" Sound Bites, and I'm obviously more regular than I realise because the man there said "oh, I know what you'll like! Here's some raw chocolate!"

So I bought a 40g bar for £2.50 (HOW much???) of Conscious Chocolate. For the sake of completeness, I bought the Best Ever Essential Orange flavour.

And I am here to tell you, this stuff is nasty.

Andy was quite right when he disdained the chocolate on account of it having carob in. As I explained in Abi's book (which is now published, hurrah!) carob is not chocolate. Carob is heresy.

Weirdly oily on the top of each piece, this is less like a piece of chocolate, and more like a piece of piece of dense, stale chocolate mousse. It's bitter and (no sugar or honey, just algarve nectar) the texture is...it's not gritty, exactly but it is very grainy against the tongue.

Wow, I think I'm now off chocolate.

chocolate, interesting links

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