Up Hill And Down Dale

Jun 20, 2008 23:27

Note to self: when emailed by someone at work, do not squeal across the office like a child teleported to Disneyland.

As the icon above indicates, it's Litha today, so I took four boxes of Battenburg cake to work. Never met a Sabbat I couldn't use to inflict sugary treats on my co-workers! Sadly, the pink coluring in Battenburg is made from Cochineal, which makes it haram for a lot of my co-workers.

Still, the sunrise looked particularly find today, lots of pinky-golden cumulus clouds all over the place. I waved vaguely at it, and went back to bed.

Godsdammit! Another event clashing with Receptacle! *Waves fist* I'll get you, and your little dog Firefly-class spaceship, too!

other lrp, pagan

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