Apparently callcentres are bad for you, and I actually, medically need a Nintendo Wii. I think I like my dietitian!
I have three things I need to concentrate on.
1) Stop buying litre cartons of apple juice for work. I thought they'd be healthier than fizzy, but apparently I'm loading on up with fruit sugars. Switching to water is a better idea.
2) No more cheese and pickle sandwiches. Find a different flavour, for example tuna and mayo is just fine.
3) Exersize. Raise my arse from it's accustomed position on a swivel chair and walk. On days off I can bimble to the river (I feel a disposable camera coming on) and try to find a longer route to work.
This is where the Wii comes in. My dietitian likes the idea on the ground of
a) It'll exersize more bits of me than walking, and
b) It's more fun, so I'll enjoy it more.
I've called my mother, she's going to talk to Dad, see if they can afford to buy me a Wii. I'm kind of stunned and pleased, I wonder what else I can claim on medical grounds?