(no subject)

Oct 11, 2007 13:39

So yesterday, I went to to the new Westfield Derby.
It's a very odd experience. They've been digging up half the town centre for years building this place, but it's not an all-new site. They've effectively built it around and on top of the existing Eagle Centre. So one moment I'm treading familiar corridors I've walked for the last decade, then suddenly instead of a well-known wall I'm confronted by something that looks like it wants to be the Bullring when it grows up. It's hugely disorientating.

Yes, the general architecture is all hauntingly familiar, as are the shops. It's mostly designer fashion, and I'm disappointed with that, frankly. Still, it's not all bad news. There's a Cafe Thorntons, including a mousse I had once in Gloucester. It's like sex, only I'm having it! The Lush moved in there, and there's now a Past Times. Overpriced historical tat for the win! There's no Hotel Chocolat, which I would have liked to see, but there's a shop called All Things Chocolate that I hope will be open soon.

There's no Yo Sushi either, though that's not surprising since there's no Selfridges either. However, there is now a food court. Thai, Chinese, Italian, burgers, chicken, soups, spuds, subs, it's amazing! And next to the food court will be the new Cinema Lux, but that's not open til spring. I'm still excited, considering Derby had one of the first cinemas in the country, it's annoying that I've never lived within walking distance of a cinema.

I have a question for the worldlier Ni-watchers. Why are the men working in Apple shops, or in this case Apple resellers, often so hot? I know I'm just a commission to them, but I can't help smiling winningly up at them anyway.

I shall be back there tomorrow, and there shall be pretzels!


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