First of all: Skins, finally.
That said, not at all my favorite episode. I don't know what they were going for, opening with that episode, but eh. I actually thought the opening was kind of interesting, even if it was crazy and depressing--maybe because it sort of took me by surprise. I don't know, interesting re-introduction to all the characters, imho.
Kind of went downhill after that for me. I basically lost all respect I had for Thomas, which was actually a lot. Come on, what a douche. I mean, I know he's had a hard family life whatever whatever, but what a douche. (His little sister = WIN, though.)
The whole episode had me either really annoyed or really bored. Except when Naomi said she sold the drugs and, guh, completely heart-wrenching. But she looked STUNNING. I mean, really, wow. I was kind of amused about Naomi and Cook chillin' in the bar.
Apparently it's going to keep being depressing, but it's EMILY and NAOMI and as long as they're being awesome, I can deal. Actually, I can be really, really excited. basically, Thomas needs less screentime. Man, I remember when I used to like him.