(no subject)

Jul 05, 2005 22:17

Ok, so I should totally be asleep right now seeing as I have to be up at 5:15 to go and serve deadly food to the masses...

But hey, I'm still awake. Working at McDonald's is interesting to say the least. Sure, sometimes it sucks, and my shifts can be 9 hours long (o_O) but a lot of the time it is a mix of frantic rushing, hilarious mistakes, dumb co-workers, and asshole customers. At the end of the day (after a bit of yelling and rolling around) I usually just come to the conclusion that work was... kind of fun. ^^;;

It's a scarily amount similar to highschool. There's gossip, strange love triangles, and bitch-fits. Only, now, a lot of the people involved in this are grown adults. Does that make it funny or sad? Hmmm... Anyway, Jordan and the Retarded Fry Girl will soon be separated, Chris will soon be back, and Mike's ass has yet to become mine. Goddammit. I'll keep trying though. Anyway, because the cast of people I work with is so damned weird, let me introduce a few to you:

Laura - My favorite manager in the whole world ^_^ She works morning shift with me and just may be the normalest person in the entire place. <3 for Laura.

Gina - She's deaf in one ear but man does she make sandwiches quickly. She also kicks Eric in the nuts all the time, which earns her many points.

Eric - Fat, dirty, and has probably never heard of a toothbrush. He likes to lie a lot and can often be found hitting on the retarded fry girl. He's married to a 300 pound stripper and claims to speak 7 languages (including 4 dead ones). Uh-huh.

The Retarded Fry Girl - She's retarded and makes fries. And gets more ass than I do. ... Why is that?! Jordan has been chasing her for months but their romance is doomed!!! ;_;

Jordan - A stupid ass who rides a bike even though he's 18 'cause he doesn't know how to drive. He's in love with the retarded fry girl, but is moving to Norwood soon. He can't ride his bike /that/ far. Nooooooo!!!

Steven - Hilarious and really amusing, but has a thing for me that I just can't seem to appreciate. ~_~;; We're cool though. He's pretty high on the normal scale, though he likes slapping things out my hands, which really annoys me. ><;;

Kayla - The resident whore who's not only stupid, but also veeeeerrrry slow at everything. Her ex-boyfriend and a Kroger employee fight over her daily and even pass me notes to give her when they come through the drive-through. They even had it out over her in the middle of the store the other day. It was lame.

Al - The 50-something year-old dude who works with me in the front. He's a super-weird control freak who calls me "little girl" and takes things out of my hands because he thinks I can't do it. As Shaunice says, "That's one weird nigga!"

Shaunice - A 16 year-old ghetto-fied girl who spends all day saying, "Issat all? Issat all?" Customers sometimes complain to me saying she's rude as I'm handing them their orders. But honestly, she's just black and angry.

Yelena - The craziest mananger in the place. Yelena has a burning hatred for Elton John and screams while making sandwiches. The most common thing people say to her is "Keep your shirt on, Yelena."

Sherry - A bitch.

Dani - A fatter bitch. Unfortunately, also the Asst. store manager. She never wants to do anything so she'll come and take 20 orders and then leave me to run them all for her. >_O

Barb - The franchise owner who is the nicest little old woman EVER. She calls me her pet, but I don't mind. ^_^

Randy - The manager who doesn't know what he's doing. He arrives everyday looking tired and then messes up everything before he goes home. He often says, "Excuse you" if he bumps into you and likes to blame everything on me. But that's ok since I can just hit him and he'll shut up.

Thomson - Just a strange manager. He has an African-esque accent, but no one knows why. He's strangely serious at first glance but is actually kind of goofy. He can often be found stealing Diet Coke from the drive thru.

Roxann - Looks to be about 19 years-old. So imagine my surprise when she showed me a picture of eight people and said, "These are my kids!"

Chris - A nice guy who REALLY has a thing for me. Too bad he's just not attractive. We like the same stuff as far as music, movies, etc, and we get along well as friends. He's my Fry Bitch and I'm his Sauce Whore, so it's all good. Too bad he's ugly.

Mike - A nice guy who I kind of have a thing for. Or this really tall guy who has a really small car, or this guy who has no teeth, or this guy who has almost ODed twice. Four Mike's work at this McDonald's. >< The one who has almost ODed twice was affectionately named Statutory by me after he made a sexual comment to me. We all call him that now.

And um, those are just the ones I can think of right now...

Anyway, Chris is coming back tomorrow so it'll be kind of weird if we see each other. EVERYONE knows he likes me, so they're all kind of being annoying about it. Jordan was really pushing for me to give Chris a chance, but I like Mike more. Here's to hoping it won't be another shift with Chris AND Mike. That sucked.

Good night, all!

Oh yeah, and we finished Loveless 12 today! The last episode is really really cool, so I hope everyone enjoys it! XD

P.S. I love Fall Out Boy and my favorite member is Ricardo because he plays the harmonica. <3
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