Mar 06, 2011 14:59
This is the first day in just about what it feels like 6 month, that I completely have for my own amusement :D
Only to go through the hundreds of posts that I missed, and what caught my attention??
people that I read, linking to stuff from metafandom, talking about bullying in fandom?? Merlin fandom??
haven't read too many of those entries, only 2 or 3.
But I was wondering, are the terms "bullying" someone and "mobbing" someone, have the same meaning, or do they mean different things?
at any rate, RL is still pretty intense for me, and probably will continue being so the rest of this year, so you won't see much of me XD
won't have the chance or time to bully or mob anyone, least my friends *G*.
Hope most of you are doing ok, or at least, not too bad!