
Nov 13, 2005 12:54

Hello, persons out in Cyberland.
The Great And Worshipable Creepy_Crawly [aka me] comes bearing a challenge!!

On behalf of MadChallengeOfDoom, I extend this to each and every living, breathing, drooling, life-needing obsessed fangirl out there.
And then some.

(taken from the MadChallengeOfDoom monthly newsletter)
OK, so, some of everyone's favourite fandoms rely on the main character's strengths and abilities. So, as a brat (who's protected under the ADA!) I extend this challenge! We're gonna be cliche and call it the handicapable challenge, so, just get over it. It's not entirely too confusing, but there are some necessaries. Got your pens and paper ready, fangirls? You do? Good. Here goes.
One pairing. I don't care if it's het, yuri, yaoi, shounen-ai, shoujo-ai, whatever. I just wanna see a pairing.
One main character This is kinda a 'duh', people.
A handicap Again, duh. See the name? Yeah. Anyway, this handicap must be one that you wouldn't normally see in the fandom (a blind sharpshooter, a bulemic vampire, that kind of thing). Make sure you do your research, though! I'm deaf and some people write some really, really weird stuff. Trust me. Research!
Your handicap can be physical or mental. I've got one written as a test (thanks, creepy!) using Disassociative Identities Disorder in the Ender's Game fandom. (by the way, creepy, you're not allowed to enter that one this time, sorry!) I expect to see some great ones out there!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: I need to see this person working with their disease/injury. Lemme see some pain, some angst, and some sex if you want that! I want to see people coming to terms with their problem, and working through it. Don't be afraid to contact people about different issues, if you want to know how a person would respond! (see contact list at bottom)
Good luck! We're following CedarTree's rules, per usual. Deadline is December 21. Have fun!

creepy_crawly's notes:
CedarTree's rules state that you must have at least one 500 word chapter hosted somewhere.,, TONFA, LJ, any of those. It can be a WIP, but you need at least one 500 word chapter already done and posted. Other than that, your game.
Contacts: (these are contact info provided by members of the MCOD newsletter. I've only got permission to put mine and one other person's on here, so...yeah...I'll try and get more permission, or find links for anyone who wants them!)

Anyway...once your fic (500 word chappy) is done, post it somewhere and send the link to I'll grab the links from there and post them in one giant page on one of my (currently dead) sites and also set a huge link to them all here, as well. Have fun, go nuts, make the fandom a better place.

**sorry if this isn't allowed. Really, really sorry!!**
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