
Feb 21, 2010 21:30

Tittle: salaam
Characters: Ender, Alai
Rating: NC-17
Warning: under aged sex
Disclaimer: i do not own these characters, and this is my fisrt fanfiction (yays!)
Summary: Alai gives Ender a visit to relax his stressed out friend.

Ender sat with his desk on his lap. He had been running over battle tactics in his head for the past hour, predicting what the next army they receive might do. Ender knew there was going to be a battle in the morning, there had been a battle every day, and it would not be a surprise to him or his army if they had another. In fact if they didn’t get a battle in the morning, they would probably be surprised, maybe even disappointed. The teachers seemed to love making his life more complicated and stressful than every one else’s. As Ender sat there, musing on the topic of the game, a small message popped up on his desk.

Can I come over? -Alai

It had been so long since he had seen Alai, one of the only people he trusted. One of his only real friends. He missed working with him; Alai had always relaxed and comforted Ender with out even trying. Ender replied and soon Alai was knocking on his door.

“Ho, Ender.” Alai walked into the tiny Command room.

“Ho, Alai.”

He looked around Enders courtiers. “Man you guys got tiny rooms, jeez I always thought you got, like, I don’t know? Throne rooms when you became commander. But at least you get your own space, right?” Ender didn’t reply, he simply watched as Alai continued to inspect his extremely bland room. Sighing Alai decided to get to the point of this visit. “I’ve seen what they have been doing to you and your army. Its not right how they give you so many battles so early with barely any warning.”

“You think I haven’t realized this?” Ender looked at Alai, who could see how the stress was eating away at Ender’s physical appearance. He didn’t have as much energy in him, like he did when Alai first met him, a time were Ender seemed more enthusiastic about being in battle school, well at least compared to his appearance now. Ender’s body was giving out on him. Alai pitied him; he hated to see his friend so worn down.

“Ender,” he said looking the other boy in the eye. “You can talk to me, I Promise I’ll keep everything a secret. You can trust me.” Ender studied his friend’s eyes; they were understanding and soft, much like his sister Valentine’s. In reality he shouldn’t trust anyone, for his own good he should have kept everything to himself, he should have told Alai to go back to his army and keep his nose out of Ender's business, he shouldn’t have reveled his weaknesses to Alai. But he wanted to tell Alai everything. Alai was one of the only boys, if not the only boy Ender truly connected with. He sighed and slumped against the wall.

“… Okay.”

Setting himself down on Enders bed, Alai listened to everything he had to say. Some things Ender said were merely about battle tactics, nothing new to Alai, in fact when they still ran the extra practices together they often discussed new methods and maneuvers to use in battle. But it was when Ender began to mention more personal thoughts that Alai listened closely. Ender started to express emotions and opinions on the school and the teachers, even the students; ones he liked, and ones that frightened him. He spoke of how he wished he could go home, and see his sister Valentine before she was completely grown up, how he wished he could forget any of this ever happened, so he could have a normal childhood. Ender told Alai how he hated hurting others, and simply wished people would leave him alone. He told Alai about Peter, everything about Peter, and how his brother was still affecting his life even now.

Alai responded very little, allowing Ender to reveal all his innermost secrets, and weaknesses. But Ender knew that Alai would not exploit him, like so many others on this station would.

Once Ender had finished he stood there, back to Alai, Panting as his eyes began to tear up, he was trying not to have a complete mental break down in front of one of the only boys he admired, and felt safest with. Alai moved over to Ender, wrapping his arms around him, stomach pressed to Ender's back. Alai placed his forehead on the nape of the other boy's neck. “Salaam.” He whispered just loud enough for Ender to hear. He could feel Ender release some of the tension he had been exerting on his muscles and joints, as the word, and simply hearing Alai’s voice relaxed him.

Alai Turned Ender around to face him. And again he said, “salaam.” Then Alai did something that Ender should have expected but didn’t. He found his lips connected to the soft, warm, welcoming lips of his Arab friend. His body tensed back up at first, due to the unexpected shocking contact, but the began to relax again. He had felt those same lips once before, on the night were Alai had expressed his friendship towards Ender with a kiss on his cheek.

At first both boys simply stood there, lips together, enjoying the moment. But Alai decided to take the initiative, and began to move his lips. Asking permission to enter the other boy’s mouth, by pressing his tongue in between Ender’s lips. Ender quickly understood the gesture and complied. Soon their tongues were swirling around and wrestling with each other. They explored their mouths, memorizing the taste and feel.

Alai let his hand rest on the small on Enders back, slightly caressing it, and let his other hand cup Enders cheek. Ender though wasn’t really sure what to do with his hands, and decided it was best to just cling to Alai’s shoulders. Breaking apart both boys were panting heavily, trying to catch their breath. Alai directed Ender over to his bed, eyes locked on his.

Now seated facing each other, they began to kiss again. Ender noticed a growing pain, no more like need, between his legs, but chose to ignore it, for the prospect of kissing seemed more inviting. They took turns sucking on each other’s tongues and/or lips. Soon Alai found his hands traveling up Enders chest, attempting to feel his toned body though the gray and orange flash suit. Annoyed by it, he broke the kiss and began peeling it off Ender. Once it was off Alai allowed time for himself to take in the beautiful body that sat before him. Ender, being 9 year old, was completely hairless, and looked smooth to the touch. Looking away, Ender squirmed in discomfort, his face turning red. Alai could tell he was embarrassing Ender so he quickly removed his own suit. He watched as Enders attention moved back to him, and Alai enjoyed the way Enders innocent eyes explored his own body, lingering on his chest and groin.

Tossing his suit to the side Alai kneeled in front of Ender, placing his hands on his friends knees. This time instead of kissing Ender’s lips, Alai kissed his neck, right under his ear, biting his earlobe lovingly. Licking and nibbling Alai worked his way down Ender’s chest, stopping right before he got to one of the other boys nipples. He got a good look at the tiny, soft, pink circles of flesh before he began kissing the left one. He circled his tongue around the sensitive bit if skin, sucking, and occasionally running his teeth across it. Ender was moaning with pleasure, gripping the bed sheets as he experienced a new mixture of feelings. He had no idea what Alai had planned, but he was not about to stop his friend to find out.

As Ender enjoyed the new sensations running through his body, Alai had finished with Enders now hardened nipples, and was moving lower.

Alai looked up at Ender, who was now biting his finger as to prevent any loud scream of pleasure from escaping his mouth. His army would loose respect for him if they found him like this, with another boy. To see him weak, exposed and drowned in ecstasy would ruin his reputation, especially when Alai, a boy of lesser command, was causing such a reaction in Ender’s body.

“I love you Ender.” Alai’s sweet voice only made the younger boy tremble more.

Alai looked into Ender’s eyes. He wrapped his small fingers around Enders pre-pubescent penis, stroking his soft length.

Ender’s fingers didn’t help at all. He threw his head back and moaned so loudly that every one on the space station could probably hear him. Ender’s poor body had never been subjected to this level of pleasure before, and could barely handle all the different sensations that were now flooding him. He was being drowned in pleasure, his mind no longer able to think clearly, or really think at all. The only thing his body was capable of doing was trembling, moaning and spitting out incoherent sentences. Sometimes gripe of Alai's hand would cause him to go into a more animalistic state and begin to buck into Alai’s hands.

“Ender you’re so cute.”

Letting go of Ender’s cock, he pushed the shaking boys legs further apart to allow better access. Placing small kisses along Ender’s thighs, Alai continued palming his friend’s length. Smiling Alai began to take Ender’s hard cock into his mouth, which did not help Ender’s already pleasure overloaded body.

“A-Alai! Gaaaah, I feel ah, odd-“ Ender was lost in pleasure, lost in feelings.

Alai continued stroking Ender’s cock with his tongue, sucking on the head, and tonguing the small slit on Ender's penis. He pumped his own aching member, knowing that Ender would not have enough energy for another round. Ender found his hand tangling them selves in Alai's soft brown hair. Every time Alai's tongue flicked over his head, Ender’s gripe tightened and a small moan would makes its way out of Ender’s throat.

“N-No, something’s co-coming out!” and as Ender ejaculated for the first time, he cried out Alias name. Completely spent he fell back into the not so comfortable bed. Alai came shortly after Ender as he slurped up the other boys cum.

He bent over Ender and kissed him lovingly on the lips. “Salaam my friend.” Ender could taste his left over semen sticking to Alai's lips.

Ender sat there, chest rising and falling with every breath, and watched as Alai climbed back into his suit. “Why are you leaving?” He said propping himself up on his elbows.

“I can’t stay away from my army too long, and you need rest.” It was true Alai’s army probably already was mad at him for staying away to long and not telling them were he was going, they were probably going to ask him were he had run off to, even though it had been maybe 30 minutes, but he would have to make up some conceivable lie. The teachers most definitely knew he was in Enders room, but whether our not they knew what the boys had been doing, Alai could not say, but most likely they did.

Finished putting his suit on Alai looked over to Ender who was pouting. Alai gave him a sympathetic smile he moved over to kiss Ender’s forehead. “Sleep.” And with out another word Alai left Ender lying there naked on his bed. For the first time in months Ender was able to sleep with out a nightmare, only the thought of Alai.

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