Title: Peace
Rating: PG
Pairing: I'm not sure if it's slash, or just fiction. I guess if you squint your eyes, it's Alai/Ender.
Summary: The war against the buggers has ended, but the war against each other has just begun.
Disclaimer: This is an unofficial sequel to Ender's Game, which continues from the end of the novel. It does not take into account any official sequels written by Card. All of the characters except those who are not his are Card's. I gain nothing from this, except maybe a hope to rejuvenate Ender fanfiction.
Note: I'm not sure how much I like this piece; I wrote it for school and I am having trouble going back and rereading it to edit. If anyone has suggestions/comments, please share! I know this isn't the usual from what I write, but I'm hoping people will have interest in it. Oh, and I don't think there is more to this story; it was originally the "first chapter" of a sequel, but I doubt I'll want to work on this. I kind of like the ambiguity of the ending anyway.
The war against the buggers has ended, but the war against each other has just begun.)