An Ender fan survey

Dec 31, 2008 18:15

Despite the enthusiasm of the fans I've talked to online and in the real world, Ender fan participation on the internet seems surprisingly lacking, given the breadth of the universe and the complexity of the characters. Considering the active nature of other fandoms, even obscure ones, I was surprised at the lack of organized discussion and fan-created literature and art. I'm trying to figure out why this is, so I've come up with a list of basic questions to try to pinpoint the demographics of the fandom.

So! If you guys would fill this out this short survey and add any opinions you might have about the online Ender fan community, here it is! You can answer all of the questions, or only a few; any input at all is appreciated.

Approximate location:

How old were you when you first read Ender's Game?

Have you read Speaker and the other Ender novels?

Did you read Speaker for the Dead and the other Ender novels immediately after Ender's Game?

If no, how old were you when you read Speaker?

Have you read Ender's Shadow?

If so, how old were you when you read Ender's Shadow?

Do you consider yourself part of the Ender fandom?

Do you consider yourself a part of any other book, movie, comic, television series, or videogame fandoms? If so, please list them.

Is the Ender fan community your primary fan community? If not, which is?

At what age did you begin using the internet?

How would you describe your general internet usage? How many hours a day or week do you spend online?

How much of this time is devoted to fan-related discussion?

How much of this time is devoted to Ender-related fan discussion?

At what age did you become involved in fan-related internet activity?

At what age did you become in Ender-related internet activity?

How would you describe your participation in the Ender fan community (Avid, moderate, silent)? Please elaborate.

How would you describe your participation in your other fandoms?

Where does the Ender series rank in your list of fandoms?

Do you read fanfiction or view fanart?

Do you write fanfiction or create fanart?

Do you read fanfiction or view fanart for the Ender series?

Do you write fanfiction or create fanart for the Ender series?

Do you actively support certain pairings/relationships in the Ender series? If so, please list them.

Do you actively support certain pairings/relationships in any of your other fandoms? If so, please list them.

Describe your offline fan activities, if any. This includes real-life discussions of books, movies, comics, videogames; participation in conventions; cosplay; and reading, watching or playing the original material of your fandom(s).

How much of your offline fan activity is devoted to the Ender series?

How much of your internet fan activity leaks into your real-life fan activity? Do you talk to your real-life friends about your fandoms and your activity in them?

What drew you to the Ender books?

What drew you to seek out fellow Ender fans on the internet?

How, in your opinion, does the Ender fan community differ from the fan communities for other books, comics, movies or video games?

Do you have any thoughts on the Ender fan community in general?

Feel free to add any information you feel is relevant, or to discuss anything the questions may have missed. This information will not be used for anything but my own informal research, and names/usernames will not be disclosed or taken into account. This is really just to help me and the rest of the Ender fandom understand more about itself! We seem to be a relatively small but desperately dedicated group, so I hope all of you who fill out the survey try to be as thorough as you can. Thanks!

(cross-posted at the Hatrack River forums)
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