Wiggin for Hegemon 08!

May 26, 2008 17:44

Crossposted from the OSC community. I liked the introductory "interview" they used so I went ahead and used it here. Glad to see there are so many Enderverse fans on LJ!
  • What's your name (real name or LiveJournal username--whichever you prefer)? Keely Graesser

  • How old are you? 28 and currently expecting a son, to be named Peter :)

  • Where are you? Dallas, TX

  • Why are you here? Because I love OSC's writings

  • How were you first introduced to Orson Scott Card? What was the first OSC work you read and when did you read it? Ender's Game - I read it in high school after a girl in my class who didn't read often recommended it as a book that had "changed her life". I thought that any book good enough to impact a "non-reader" must be worth my time.

  • List all the OSC works you have read
First Meetings
The Abyss
The Worthing Saga

The Ender Saga
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind

The Shadow Saga
Ender's Shadow
Shadow of the Hegemon
Shadow Puppets
Shadow of the Giant

The Homecoming Saga
The Memory of Earth
The Call of Earth
The Ships of Earth

Also many of the Enderverse short stories on IGMS

  • Which OSC work have you not read yet, but especially want to? Ender in Exile! I can't wait until it comes out.

  • What other authors or books do you enjoy? Tolkein, CS Lewis, Heinlein, William Gibson, Asimov, Bradbury

  • Anything else you would like to add? I recently created a small shop for Peter Wiggin's fictional 2008 campaign if anyone is interested. The link is below:

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