Look, knife crime bad, mkay? Kids feeling they have to carry knives to defend themselves in the city, bad -mmmkay?
But I'm getting a bit sick of the propaganda and punitive legislation. I have a sheath-knife. I use it to cut twigs and string at Scouts. And maybe to slot the occasional bunny. But I feel like I'm a criminal for owning it these days. I have a penknife with lots of toys like pliars, scissors, screwdrivers and so on. I just managed to get it home with me in hand-luggage after 9/11 (when I was in Germany). Now? If I'm traveling to do anything technical, I am hamstrung by having to take a suitcase. For a two-inch folding, non-lockable blade. Or a screwdriver.
So I make only minimal apologies for saying - this Bat'Leth is Cool. The Daily Mail and the sour-faced copper holding this bat'leth can fuck off. Thank You,
PC McGarry Number 452 [ETA - they're having a knife amnesty now, but apparently this was part of an earlier haul.]