
Jul 10, 2004 02:29

Ok, so I was changing some of my userinfo, and I looked at my interests list and I noticed that Ender's Game was blue and underlined... meaning that at least one person shared that as an interest... so I clicked on it, and boy was I suprised. Communities for the Ender's Saga! Awesome!

My name is Jeff, 20, art student, yadda yadda yadda. I read Ender's Game for the first time in summer school before the 9th grade. I fell in love with it immediately. Since then I've read it about 7 times, as well as all the other books in the saga, including the ones about Bean. Orson Scott Card is my favorite writer, and I'm trying to read everything he has ever written, right now I'm finishing "Unaccompanied Sonata and other stories", if you have read that I suggest you pick it up.

I hope to have fun here discussing the relationships of my all-time favorite book.
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